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A Platform for Planetary Stewardship and Unification

NewEarth University (NEU) is the online new-paradigm learning arm of NewEarth Horizon and the NewEarth movement: Openly availed to all as a worldwide collaborative community of conscious women and men.

NEU is a creative hub and chalice for wisdom-keeping and knowledge-sharing, offering new ways of being rooted in pure-truth from the sovereign heart.


A world where the interconnectedness of all life is honored and respected, where each take responsibility for learning, healing, and leadership in pursuit of noble expression, and where the capacity to love – and be loved – is the highest note in our symphony of evolved expression


To gather, embody and share knowledge in service of human & planetary well-being and sovereign, creative self-expression


Empowering humanity to reclaim its sovereign birthright while supporting collectives to pursue their shared vocation

NewEarth Universityʼs School of Natural Law was created to help lead the planetary conversation on sovereignty while exploring innovative means to assist a global realization of the self-governance principle.

The School is comprised of two key disciplines: Sovereignty and Self-Governance.

Esteemed faculty, fellows and staff develop and coordinate curriculum to support the emergence of the rule of natural law and/or facilitate self-governing women and men to engage global governance initiatives in the spirit of sovereign cooperation.

Recognizing that sovereignty is an inherent condition of human existence, and that it is imperative if the School of Natural Lawʼs mission is to be realized that humankind individually embody that sovereign condition in their own lives, the efforts of the School orient toward new-paradigm Un-learning and learning while empowering the individual.

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Empowering humanity to realize its true naturewhile supporting the emergent culture of onenessas the cornerstone of a new interpersonal ethic

NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality articulates a core, empowering energetic source-code for living in peace from the zero-point of the heart.  The C & S School is comprised of two key disciplines: Spirituality and Conscious Practice.  Its organically-evolving foundational resources and curricula provides an interactive web of inspiration, compassion, and life-changing content.

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Pioneering breakthrough technologies, life-changing state-of-the-art discoveries and inventions infusing innovative, bio-resonant, fractal harmonic designs in all applications of energy, substance and aesthetic

NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation (SDI) was created to facilitate full-spectrum consciousness-in-action research and development to fulfill its noble mission.

Faculty and Fellows harmonically engage in a cross-pollination environment of two Disciplines: Science & Technology (NEST) and Design & Development (D & D).

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To affirm the healing art of living well by honoring our magnificent natural sovereign design as an integrated Spirit and body-mind

The school of health & wellness was created to:

  •  Lead humanity to consciously remember their civilized state of vibrant health & wellbeing;
  •  Empower all to transcend modern illness, restoring strength, vitality, and the beauty of natural being;
  •  Research and share resources while developing curriculum and toolkits for embodying sovereign health & wellbeing.
For more Information Click here
Empowering humanity to live fully in pure-truth through playful, creative expression of the arts

NewEarth University’s School of The Living Arts was created by faculty, fellows and staff – gifted women and men committed to expand the planetary playground for conscious living. They engage in joyful exploration of the universal harmonics of life, endowing art, beauty and consciousness in all inspirational forms while creatively and organically expressing pure-truth for the sake of every sentient being.

NEU’s School of The Living Arts fulfills its purpose and mission through two main disciplines: Sound & Music, Visual and Performing Arts… and, Learning & Education.

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Clearing pathways for unlimited abundance while architecting the harmonic shift to a global gift-economy that honors whole-system harvesting and regeneration of nature’s rich resources

NewEarth University’s School of Socio-Economics & Ecology was created to facilitate broad-spectrum research and development, and create curricula by its esteemed faculty and fellows to engage in this seminal planetary conversation: Establishment of a flourishing global gift-economy that is ecologically anchored in harmonic and regenerative natural resources. The School is comprised of two disciplines, inextricably bound to architect a major shift: Ecology & Regeneration, and, Re-Sourced Economy.

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Apr 16
2014 Established

2014 Established

A NewEarth Institute (online website) was originally envisioned and created by Sacha Stone – and key NewEarth management members – as a brain-trust for the greater NewEarth movement (known then as, “the New Earth Project” or “New Earth Nation”). Sacha Stone appointed the Reverend Dr Nancy Ash as the leader of the Institute to recalibrate and actively guide / steward this NewEarth fractal.
Apr 07
2015 Recalibration

2015 Recalibration

Dr Ash initiated – with support from worldwide faculty members – a nine-month recalibration period to turn “360 full-circle” the Institute into a vibrant, thriving new-paradigm Un-learning / Learning Community called, the NewEarth University.
Jul 14
2016 NEU Launch

2016 NEU Launch

Thus the NewEarth University (known as NEU) was born from devotion, heart and Soul. Dr Ash, (NEUʼs Co-founder & Chancellor) launches a comprehensive website that went live on Sept. 20, 2016, featuring free membership availed to all at this new-paradigm Universal city-of-light consisting of six (6) Schools. The Schools were consciously designed with 2 Disciplines: One representing the Sacred Feminine Principle; and, one representing the Divine Masculine Principle. Both synergistically function as the “1+1 = 3” … as a gestalt: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. NEU features self-study toolkits from each School; a free Library; Initiatives, etc. Dr Ash collaborates with many teachers that have online curriculum (now Affiliates aligned with the NewEarth ethos). Complimentary lectures / mini-courses, research articles, etc. are articulated by Faculty. The fledgling University begins to flourish.
Sep 14
2017 Growth

2017 Growth

More Research and Teaching Faculty join NEU as the library develops. Representing the learning arm of the NewEarth Project, Dr Ash presents a Workshop at the NewEarth Festival in Bali, Indonesia, entitled: The ABCs of NEU: Altruistically Building Community. Faculty give lectures & workshops during the 7-day festival; Dr Ash was on an education-panel moderated by Sacha Stone, with Fellow Michael Tellinger & others.
Apr 02
2018 Natural Law Curriculum   

2018 Natural Law Curriculum   

The School of Natural Law launches its unique and popular online UCC Strawman curriculum with 2 Workshops and a Course taught by faculty, Bibi Bacchus.
Aug 22
2019 NEU in Bali

2019 NEU in Bali

More Research & Teaching Faculty (and Fellows) join NEU. The online University finally has its first in-person meeting at the NewEarth Festival in Bali, Indonesia. Faculty & Fellows present lectures or workshops during a 7-day festival with its core 3-day: World Health Sovereignty Summit. Dr. Ash hosted a panel discussion, UN-learning/Learning with the Red Pill University attended by the legendary G Edward Griffin, and others.
Aug 22
2019 The Lotus Initiative

2019 The Lotus Initiative

Sponsored by NEU, the LOTUS Initiative was created and is stewarded by its founder, Rev Dr Ash. In tandem with the ITNJ’s Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, 13 volunteer LOTUS Providers offer complimentary therapeutic services to TIs (targeted individuals) and others suffering from trauma.
Aug 26
2020 ReBrand

2020 ReBrand

During a stunning plandemic year for seeing clearly “20-20” – a beautiful new logo was created for NEU by NewEarth Horizon designer, Can Bolel, from Turkey. Free seminal Covid-19 research papers are gifted by Fellow Tom Brown. NEU expands in Grace.
Mar 06
2021 New Online Curriculum 

2021 New Online Curriculum 

As the world crisis continues … Faculty develop and present fresh online Workshops and Courses to help students navigate the sweeping changes.
Jul 20
2022 Current Status

2022 Current Status

NEU grows to 20,380 + students in its data-base learning system with 30 Faculty; 30 Fellows; 8 Administration/Staff. Plans continue for launch of a NEU Sanctuary Retreat Campus at Lake Bacalar, Mexico in tandem with the website launch of NewEarth Horizon.