Free event and broadcasting on www.newearthhorizon.com
The Lazarus Initiative // The International Tribunal for Natural Justice // The ARISE! Guerrilla News broadcast // The NewEarth Sanctuary & University and many more initiatives to break the bonds and spells, celebrating Self Sovereignty & Art. …
NEWS! from your NewEarth University:
Welcome to our new School of The Living Arts faculty member, KALI DEMMEL from the USA. Kali teaches multi-faceted INNER CHILDCARE curriculum for children of ALL ages https://newearth.university Stay-tuned for her online complimentary Master Class & in-depth Workshop slated for Fall Semester '22
Free event and broadcasting on www.newearthhorizon.com
The Lazarus Initiative // The International Tribunal for Natural Justice // The ARISE! Guerrilla News broadcast // The NewEarth Sanctuary & University and many more initiatives to break the bonds and spells, celebrating Self Sovereignty & Art. …
NEWS! from your NewEarth University:
Welcome to our new School of The Living Arts faculty member, KALI DEMMEL from the USA. Kali teaches multi-faceted INNER CHILDCARE curriculum for children of ALL ages https://newearth.university Stay-tuned for her online complimentary Master Class & in-depth Workshop slated for Fall Semester '22