ARISE! Guerrilla News

Sacha Stone’s ARISE! Guerrilla News – redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth… attended by people from all over the world with updates on the status quo from leading activists and change makers.

The AGN was launched on the ZOOM platform on December 12, 2021 specifically as a response to censorship and the MSM stranglehold on truth and real news. The network relies on frontline activists and concerned citizens to ignite a devastating grassroots movement to disrupt mainstream media lies & deceptions as well as social media censorship & shadow banning. Going forward we will have a new AGN broadcast fortnightly (twice a month) with an insightful line-up of activists and freedom fighters bringing you real, onthe-ground news across the planet.
Watch for speakers from all corners of the world across different continents and walks of life. Do you have a powerful technology or message to share, are you an activist or want to get involved with AGN?
Click here to Contact Us directly.