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We disseminate truth through AGN (Arise Guerrilla News)

redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth.
NewEarth Horizon supports communities that develop in loving harmony with the planet’s living ecosystems. Artificial materials and synthetic molecules manufactured purely for profit resonate with the energy of the collapsing paradigm of the apocalypse. NewEarth Horizon envisions a future devoid of the synthetics and poisons that have overwhelmed and altered us for generations.
By disidentifying with the artificial environment and stepping into the light of eternal truth, we merge with infinite consciousness where the solutions to our challenges spontaneously manifest for the highest good of all.
Our Mission
The Mission of NewEarth Horizon is to reclaim our sacred planet as Earth-Sanctuary, recognizing that the destruction we once permissioned is to be no longer. NewEarth Horizon seeks to create Earth anew by recognizing and rectifying that which has decimated her. Eons of injurious and relentless destruction now end.
NewEarth Horizon invites each living man and woman to awaken from the dreamspell of corporate-government fiction and step into their sacred sovereignty. The veil is lifted. The insanity that has been accepted, now becomes unacceptable.
In the light of pure truth and right action, NewEarth Horizon empowers men and women with innovation, evolutionary thought processes, and advanced tools of healing.