Having awakened to the truth that since the moment of our birth We have been contracted to corporate institutions which by their very nature serve neither people nor planet, and in hereby revoking in earnest all such contracts which have blinded, encumbered, and sought to separate us from our most noble expression.
We now claim a rightful place in this world which the Supreme Creator within has provided for us all, as equals amongst all, and will take such action as to ensure the restoration of truth and justice for all people of the world.
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) records and provides an attentive ear from the law, clergy, and other prominent professions for the abused to testify fearlessly of their abuse without ridicule from courts that stand as stalwarts shielding perpetrators who commit crimes against humanity with impunity.
Through relentless exposure, our work at the ITNJ will, in the foreseeable future, lend credence to these stories of abuse until the people awaken and are compelled to act en masse against them. In our overriding commitment to truth and transparency, the ITNJ has committed to video-recording all proceedings and live-streaming hearings and trials whenever possible, with all video recordings archived for public access.
It is our wish that you share these heartfelt testimonials worldwide. We are dedicated to ending the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions by restoring truth and reason in delivering justice in the world.
The ITNJ upholds natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders, boundaries, and the written-spell barriers of Maritime law.